Examples of Placement

Microlief can be used in many places on the body; except for your head.  Do not use Microlief on your head or anterior throat region.

Common treatment areas:

Neck (posterior)
Shoulders, Upper Arm, Elbow, Lower Arm, Wrist
Upper Back, Mid Back
Lower Back – Both sides of the spine
Lower Back – one side of the spine
Upper leg, Knee, Lower Leg, Ankle, Foot

Frame the pain area with the Patches.

Pro Tip:  If the Patches are too long for your selected treatment area, they can be trimmed from the bottom with a pair of scissors to the length you need.


The Patches may be placed either above and below the painful area, or to the left and right of the painful area.  If relief is not experienced within two hours of applying the Patches, try a different placement arrangement.

Sometimes pain is felt in the distal end of the muscle, but the cause of the pain (spasm) is actually located in the origin of the muscle.  In these situations, it may be helpful to work with your massage therapist, chiropractor or acupuncturist to determine the exact source of the pain and where to apply the patches for self care.